social Postal: reading death Going psychoanalytic A the media and of drive

"If the punchy, claustrophobic anti-sociality of programs in the early lockdown suggested a particularly dark perspective of the future, the Movement for Dark Lives street uprising of the late spring felt like its wondrous opposite—the next in which tools were giving an answer to and being structured by the functions on the ground, as opposed to these functions being organized by and shaped to the needs of the platforms. This was anything value our time and commitment, something which surpassed our compulsion to write, something that—for an instant, at least—the Twittering Machine couldn't swallow.

Perhaps not so it was not trying. As persons in the roads toppled statues and struggled police, persons on the platforms altered and refashioned the uprising from a street motion to an object for the usage and reflection of the Twittering Machine. The thing that was happening off-line needed to be accounted for, described, judged, and processed. Didactic story-lectures and pictures of effectively stocked antiracist bookshelves appeared on Instagram. On Twitter, the typical pundits and pedants sprang up challenging explanations for every slogan and justifications for every action. In these concern trolls and reply men, Seymour's chronophage was literalized. The cultural business doesn't just consume our time with countless stimulus and algorithmic scrolling; it eats our time by creating and selling those who exist simply to be told, people to whom the entire world has been made anew every day, persons for whom every resolved sociological, medical, and political debate of modernity must certanly be rehashed, rewritten, and re-accounted, now using their participation.

These people, making use of their just-asking questions and vapid open words, are dullards and bores, pettifoggers and casuists, cowards and dissemblers, time-wasters of the worst sort. But Seymour's book implies something worse about people, their Twitter and Facebook interlocutors: That we need to waste our time. That, however much we may complain, we find pleasure in endless, round argument. That we get some kind of satisfaction from monotonous debates about "free speech" and "stop culture." That we seek oblivion in discourse. In the machine-flow atemporality of social media, this may seem like no good crime. If time is an endless reference, you will want to invest a few decades of it with a couple New York Times op-ed columnists, rebuilding all of European believed from first concepts? But political and financial and immunological crises stack on each other in sequence, over the back ground roar of ecological collapse. Time is not infinite. Nothing of us can afford to spend what is left of it dallying with the stupid and bland."

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